Tuesday, February 9, 2010

thoughts on mommyhood...

its amazing how quickly babies grow up...it seems just a few weeks ago i had a tiny baby bundled up to my chest...now that tiny girl is taking steps, laughing, hilarious, eating, talking...it doesnt seem real. of course, she is still cuddled up to my chest for many of her naps, she is right now. her sweet baby breath gently rising up and down, tiny hands tucked up to her big round belly, strong legs dangling limp at my side...
such a nice baby. and soon she will be one. still a baby........but on her way to being a big girl. growling at brothers dinosaur books, proudly climbing into the rocking chair and rocking back and forth, triumph on her little round face. what a girl. what a big girl.
the joys of motherhood kind of creep up on you, dont they? you never wouldve guessed how amazing a tiny body feels, pressed up against yours in a hug, little round cheeks to kiss, that sweet sigh that little boys make when you kiss them in their sleep. god i love that. all of who i am means nothing...but to get to hear that sigh...that is my triumph.


  1. Yay for babies and the renewal they bring to our spirits and insides and ideals that, at times, are too old and worn to hold adequate perspective.
